PlayApp Studio Apps

CDMX 5.0
La información más completa y oportuna para los habitantes de laCiudad de México. Encontrarás información de Hoy No Circula, clima,red de transporte y la información del tráfico vehicular en laCiudad de México. Además recibe avisos y alertas importantes paraque no tengas imprevistos. Chatea con usuarios dentro de la Ciudadde México y envía reportes o realiza denuncias ciudadanas. Hemosrealizado cambios sugeridos por nuestros usuarios y la hemosmejorado. Ésta aplicación no es afín a nungún partido político, nies auspiciada por ella. No discrimina y es totalmente imparcial.
Earthquake Forecast 2.0
PlayApp Studio
EQ Forecast is a scientific project oftheInstitute of Geological and Atmospheric Research (IIGEA foritsacronym in Spanish) and the Mexican Monitoring System SeismicEarly(SIMMSA for its acronym in Spanish) created in May 2009 withtheaim of analyzing seismic activity world and in turn investigatetheparameters that can recognize before an earthquake of greatnaturalimportance notices.Thanks to the achievements in research has been able toreachconclusions that have allowed anticipate significantearthquakesas:Earthquake of April 18, 2014, magnitude 7.2Mw in Mexico.Earthquake of September 16, 2015, magnitude 8.4Mw inCoquimbo,Chile.Earthquake of September 13, 2013, magnitude 7.6Mw,Pietropablovsk,Russia.Among others.Achieving an efficiency of 80% of our observationsandforecasts.We conducted interviews for Mexican and Americantelevisionbetween 2014-2016.Through this application we intend to expand our work andinformthe population our results, so at its discretion taketheprecautionary measures necessary.The data shown here should not be taken as definitive as itisongoing investigations, so there may be errors when tryingtointerpret the data we process.